Ulcerative Colitis and my gut health journey

2 minute read

For as long as I can remember I have always had ‘tummy’ issues. I had to take weeks and weeks off school, only to be told by doctors, health professionals and family time and time again it was a ‘tummy bug’ or a ‘tummy migraine’! However, after extensive tests, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (UC) 10 years ago.

What is Ulcerative Colitis (UC)?

UC or Ulcerative Colitis is caused by the inflammation of the lower digestive system in the large bowel and rectum. It often means that I need to be as close to a toilet as possible, which can definitely make day to day planning difficult. Scouting out new places based on where the nearest toilets are has become one of my strongest skills!

What did you do to control the symptoms?

When I was diagnosed, I was put on a course of steroids to reduce the inflammation (hello puffy face!) and daily medication to keep it under control. Medication aside, I’ve had to think about food carefully. Now elimination and reintroduction of foods has become normal to me. In the last few years I’ve started to look more into foods for gut and how they can help control the symptoms. I luckily now only have to take medication if I have a flare up!

In the last few years I’ve started to look more into foods for gut and how they can help control the symptoms.

Tell us about your experience with food and ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis sparked my interest in gut health but it has occurred quite late on in my journey. I found Lucie and The Gut Feeling gut health boxes just at the right time! My gut is still very sensitive but it is just beginning to accept my hard efforts to in healing it with new foods. I have to make sure I don’t have too much of this and that but my life now is brighter and finally filled with variety. 

My passion for eating and drinking is certainly back. I’m very much reaping the benefits from homemade brews such as milk kefir, water kefir, and my favourite kombucha! You may have even seen some of my homemade creations on The Gut Feeling Instagram stories. It is important to me to share what I’ve created with other gut health enthusiasts and fermenters. Nowadays, Kimchi and sauerkraut are a regular fixture on my dinner plates. I normally eat my homemade ferments but sometimes I get store bought for ease. Fermenting takes time! 

Nowadays, Kimchi and sauerkraut are a regular fixture on my dinner plates.

What’s been your favourite product in the Gut Feeling gut health boxes so far?

I was so excited when I opened my May box to see a delicious jar of kimchi! I was so gutted when I learnt I had just missed the kimchi in the box when it last featured early this year. It is now a regular addition to my plate every day and there are a huge amount of recipes that you can adapt to include it which is amazing! Happy Hannah = Happy gut!

Words by Hannah Moores


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