How do I look after my gut?

3 minute read

Your diet is one of the best ways you can take control of, and improve, your gut health. When we eat, we feed our gut microbes as well as ourselves! Eating for two in a different sense.. Having many varieties of bacteria in the gut can have positive effects on our immune system, metabolism and hormones. Good gut bacteria = good health.

“Having many varieties of bacteria in the gut can have positive effects on our immune system, metabolism and hormones.”

Why is fibre important?

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Fibres are carbohydrates found in plant based foods which are not fully broken down by our digestive system Fibre feeds the trillions of bacteria in our gut helping them provide energy to the cells of the gut and help regulate the immune system, metabolism and the communication between our brain and our gut (you know the gut being the whole second brain and all – one for another blog post).

“Fibres.. provide food for trillions of gut bacteria”

Increased variety in your diet and particularly lots of different types of dietary fibres have positive effects on gut health. Most fruits, vegetables and wholegrains are excellent sources of dietary fibre and provide a wide range of health promoting vitamins and minerals. Seeds and nuts, like almonds, are rich in dietary fibre as well as heart healthy fats and oils. Don’t forget to introduce fibre gradually! I think you might guess what could happen..

So what’s a prebiotic?

Prebiotics are fibres which are fermented by bacteria in the gut and result in increased variety of bacteria which promotes health benefits. Prebiotics are found in foods such as garlic, onion, whole wheat, chicory root, beans, oats and flaxseed to name a few.

“Prebiotics are found in foods such as garlic, onion, whole wheat, chicory root, beans, oats and flaxseed to name a few.”

What about probiotics?


Probiotics are live micro-organisms which when taken in the right amount can produce beneficial effects to health. Probiotics act by reinforcing the gut barrier, producing health promoting signals, regulating gut transit and can help to prevent overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut. Probiotic foods include certain yogurts, kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha (there’s a special place in the Gut Feeling team’s heart for Kombucha - we just love it! and crave it!).

Is it just what I eat?

Not exactly. How we eat and how we live also affects gut health. Eating regularly, drinking plenty of fluid, chewing food slowly, avoiding high levels of caffeine and alcohol consumption (it’s hard, we know, but we’re taking about moderation!), regular exercise and relaxation all reduce gut related symptoms and promote good health. The importance of the gut brain axis shows a link between stress, mood and our gut microbiota. Incorporating relaxation into your day and reducing stress is good for your gut health and overall health.

“Incorporating relaxation into your day and reducing stress is good for your gut health and overall health.”

So how do I look after my gut?

The best way to improve gut health is to incorporate a wide variety of plant based and fermented foods into your diet as well as making exercise and relaxation part of your daily life. Learn more about how to improve your gut health through The Gut Feeling app. Kick start your relief with out 3 week programme led by Gastroenterologists, Doctors, Dietitians and other experts. You’ll learn more about the route cause of your gut issues and test proven strategies to find sustainable relief.

“The best way to improve gut health is to incorporate a wide variety of plant based and fermented foods into your diet and make exercise and relaxation part of your daily life.”


Why should I look after my gut?