Eczema and Gut Health

2 minute read

We’ve had a lot of requests recently to write a blog post about skin and gut health. Your wish is our command! The lovely Zahra has written a blog post for us about her personal experience with eczema and how paying attention to her gut health has improved her condition. (NB this post is written from a personal perspective not by a doctor or nutritionist).

My experience with eczema

So you may not know me, but I blog about all things lifestyle and eczema skincare … because for eczema warriors like me a platform to speak freely about our eczema woes is necessary!

I do not see eczema as a ‘rotten skin condition’, something my Doctor dubbed back in 2012 … believe me I was not pleased, but I merely see it as a ‘warning sign’ created internally so that I, or should I say we can be prepared externally.

When your body is distressed by the foods you eat or the stress you take on, your skin can react in so many different ways. As an eczema sufferer my worst experience or side effect should I say is the weeping skin. My skin tends to form a yellow crust on the affected areas.

When your body is distressed by the foods you eat or the stress you take on, your skin can react in so many different ways.

The link with Gut Health

All my life … wait that’s a little dramatic let me start again. For the past ten years (stop guessing my age) I have suffered with eczema far worse than ever before. It has stopped me from feeling beautiful, but now I fight back and that’s only because I realised it’s all about ‘gut health’ and well that was my ‘gut feeling’.

Understanding that eczema is a gut condition and not a skin condition is like having a bucket of ice cold water thrown on you by a stranger. Since this revelation, I have implemented a healthier diet with reduced dairy and gluten, I am healthier than I would be if I didn’t have eczema.

The reason why I love the idea of ‘The Gut Feeling’ is because it’s like a starter kit for all of you who need a helping hand. ‘The Gut Feeling’ not only makes you feel like a part of the community but it takes you one step closer to being a better you.

‘The Gut Feeling’ not only makes you feel like a part of the community but it takes you one step closer to being a better you.

Words by Zahra. Find her on Instagram @justzahraj.


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