Gut Directed Hypnotherapy

Several pieces of research have shown the efficacy of gut directed hypnotherapy, in secondary management of IBS. An early study in the UK, conducted by Dr W M Gonsalkorale, published in 2003, studied 204 patients that had been diagnosed with IBS. The results showed that 71% of the patients responded to hypnotherapy, and 81% of them maintained the improvement for at least 5 years. As a result of this, contributing patients also experienced a reduction in the use of medication and the rates of consultation.


The research mentioned above is one of many that demonstrates the effectiveness of gut directed hypnotherapy. However, as with any type of therapy, it doesn’t work for everybody, but in this case, it has worked for the majority.


Unfortunately, there is still a stigma attached to hypnotherapy due to its association with stage hypnosis. Yet, when people that have been suffering with gut-related issues for years experience the positive effects of hypnotherapy; they wonder why they haven’t tried it before!



What is Hypnotherapy?


Hypnotherapy, is a type of therapy that focuses on the unconscious mind. This part of the mind: rules all of the bodily activities, change of mood, filters the information of the environment, and finds evidence in our experiences to help make decisions in the future.


For example, being in a ‘trance’ is an everyday state, when you become so deeply focused on something that you are able to ignore what is going on around you.. Cognitive Hypnotherapy works with your unconscious mind, to help to wake you up from the trance you experience, so that you can make more conscious decisions.



How does gut directed hypnotherapy work?


Hypnotherapy is like an interpreter between the brain and the gut. It helps to improve communication between the brain and gut , by suggesting ways in which both can work together in order to calm the digestive tract.


It is important to be aware, that hypnotherapy, is a talking therapy. Whilst there is no rule of thumb, expect about half of your session to be talking, and the second half of the session to be fed hypnotic suggestions. Some Hypnotherapists might use set scripts, other, such as Cognitive Hypnotherapists, create personalised suggestions that apply to your symptoms specifically.


Different techniques might be utilised, from visualisations to regression, suggestions, imagery, gestalt, etc. This is because many GI disorders, can be as a result of manifestation from past trauma; which, if left unresolved can make the treatment less effective.


Whether you are having your sessions online or face to face, the outcome would be the same. However, if you are doing online sessions, be aware to conduct them in a place where you can easily relax.


Most hypnotherapists will provide you with audio recordings to listen to in-between sessions, this helps to aid the work done. But, please check if your hypnotherapist will provide you with the recordings.



How many sessions will I need?


As with anything, it will depend on person to person. You should expect to begin to notice changes from the first two sessions and improvements between four to six sessions. This means, that you could notice major improvements in less than six weeks.


Why gut directed hypnotherapy?


For some people this is the best available option, as it could mean that without a specific diet, one could notice major improvements in their symptoms. Other people, utilise hypnotherapy in conjunction with other treatments, such as diets or prescribed medicines. If you are on medical treatment whilst beginning your hypnotherapy, there is no need to stop it.


Gut directed hypnotherapy (GDH) has been proven to be one of the most effective types of therapies for GI disorders. The gut, being the second brain of our body, needs to have good communication with the brain. A breakdown in this communication can contribute to the experience of different gastrointestinal issues, which is why improving the channels of communication could be a quick and effective solution.


Is hypnotherapy effective for everybody?


Nobody can guarantee a result, and each person will have a unique microbiota and digestive tract; hence personalised work to treat your symptoms the way you experience them would be more effective. Research studies are out there, that have been conducted in the past 30 years, explaining the benefits that hypnotherapy has on GI disorders. Hypnotherapy, however, is not recommended for people that experience psychotic symptoms or other personality disorders.


Written by Laura Abba.

DipCHyp, NLPP, HPD, NCH (Reg)




BMJ, Volume 52, Issue 11, Long term benefits of hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome,

BMJ, Volume 61, Issue suppl 2, Effectiveness of general hypnotherapy and gut-directed hypnotherapy in refractory irritable bowel syndrome,


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